Monthly Archives: July 2019

This Balcony Walks Into a Bar

You may admire the beautiful deck over the garage at your friend’s home but probably never give any consideration to what life must be like for these great household features.  Well., I’ve got news for you…it’s not always rosy as you’ll see in today’s story when…

This balcony walks into a bar and steps toward the bartender.  Suddenly, these two people march in front of it and order their drinks.  When the balcony is able to order again, a young couple pushes it aside and then put in their drink requests.  This keeps happening until finally, the bartender says, “You need to stand up for yourself and take charge.” And the balcony says, “It’s ok, I’m used to it, people walk all over me regularly.”




Well now that I’ve told you how challenging life as a balcony can be, I imagine you’ll want to find a platform where you can tell the world about this issue.  To help, there’s a link to this article on our Facebook page, so you can get the word out.  And, don’t forget to vote…check out these easy ‘how-to’s‘ if you’re unsure about the process.