Pay It My Way

Lots of people want to make money from their blog and I’m no exception, but the how I’m doing it may set me apart from the majority.  I call it “Pay It My Way”.  The details will follow, but first let me share two other popular ‘Pay It’ processes.

Paying it Forward describes the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor.  Paying it Backward happens when you drive up to a fast food restaurant and place your order at the speaker.  As you move to the cashier’s window to pick up your food, you notice a car waiting their turn behind yours.  Before you pull away, you pay for their meal…paying it backwards.

Pay It My Way is just as easy as either of those.  By reading the jokes I create, you get some chuckles and giggles in your day so you want to do something in return.  Write down my contact information and send me a dollar bill…Pay It My Way!

Why Pay It My Way?

As I mentioned above, I hope to make some money from this blog so I could have created a subscription based site, but there’s a cost to process those fees.  If I was fortunate enough to reach 100,000 subscribers and charged them $1 each, over $32,000 could disappear before I ever saw it.  Then I thought of offering a subscription based service where people could mail me a check directly and I’d handle all the processing.  No fee expense, but a whole lot of paperwork.

So I could skip the subscription model and go with advertising.  To be honest, though, I don’t like being bombarded by ads when I’m visiting someone’s website.  I know that without ad dollars, many things we enjoy would simply cease to exist but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.  And if I don’t like it, why subject you to the same thing.

I could also generate revenue by creating affiliate relationships with other websites and get paid when you clicked on a link but then you wouldn’t know if the reason I was sending you there was because I thought it was valuable to you or to me.  There are links on this site but I get paid ZERO if you click on one.

So none of those options are being employed here.  The Pay It My Way process is simple…if you like what you receive and want to reward me or thank me or support me or whatever me, just send me a U.S. currency $1 bill.  You don’t have to do it yearly though I’m not going to send it back if you do and I also won’t reject something larger than a dollar.

Ok, now that you’ve learned the financial details of this site, why not check out the Laughter Categories and find your favorite chuckle.


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