Tag Archives: Cell phone

This Cell Phone walks into a bar

This morning I performed a simple act of kindness; I removed my wife’s Galaxy S4 from the charger and set it on the table.  Suddenly, as if to thank me for my good deed, the tech world increased my digital bandwidth and I saw a new joke.

This Cell Phone walks into a bar, with a tear in her eye, and makes her way to a small table.  The server comes to take her order and noticing the drop of moisture, asks if there’s a problem.  The phone looks up and with a sob in her voice tells her story.  “My boyfriend and I were both called for jury duty last week but I was excused.  I didn’t hear from him for over three days and was really beginning to worry because I knew his battery had been low and I was so afraid he might have died.  Then a little while ago I got a call from a woman who told me he’d been found.”  “Well that’s wonderful” said the server, “so those must be tears of joy.”  “No,” said the little device, “the caller was from the District Attorney’s office and they’re charging him.”

Glasses on the bar 7b

Time to put those glasses on the bar!  Read how to vote.